Time Conversion

Units of Time include Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Microseconds, Milliseconds, Months, Weeks, Years.

Convert Time units

Time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in the International System of Units. The SI unit for time is the second (sec). The Time is also commonly measured in minutes, hours, days, microseconds, milliseconds, months, weeks, years and many more.

Seconds Conversion.(sec)

1 Seconds is equal to 1 Seconds.

Minutes Conversion.(min)

1 Minutes is equal to 60 Seconds.

Hours Conversion.(hr)

1 Hours is equal to 3600 Seconds.

Days Conversion.(D)

1 Days is equal to 86400 Seconds.

Microseconds Conversion.(micro sec)

1 Microseconds is equal to 1e-6 Seconds.

Milliseconds Conversion.(milli sec)

1 Milliseconds is equal to 0.001 Seconds.

Months Conversion.(mon)

1 Months is equal to 2592000 Seconds.

Weeks Conversion.(W)

1 Weeks is equal to 604800 Seconds.

Years Conversion.(Y)

1 Years is equal to 31536000 Seconds.

Common Time Conversions

How many minutes are in one seconds?

1 Minutes is equal to 60 Seconds.

How many hours are in one seconds?

1 Hours is equal to 3600 Seconds.

How many days are in one hours?

1 Days is equal to 24 Hours.

How many hours are in one milliseconds?

1 Hours is equal to 3600000 Milliseconds.

How many years are in one days?

1 Years is equal to 365 Days.

How many weeks are in one days?

1 Weeks is equal to 7 Days.

How many days are in one seconds?

1 Days is equal to 86400 Seconds.

Time Unit Conversion Table

Convert From SecondsMinutesHoursDays
1 Seconds1 sec0.0166667 min0.0002778 hr1.1574074074074E-5 D
1 Minutes60 sec1 min0.0166667 hr0.0006944 D
1 Hours3600 sec60 min1 hr0.0416667 D
1 Days86400 sec1440 min24 hr1 D
1 Microseconds1.0E-6 sec1.6666666666667E-8 min2.7777777777778E-10 hr1.1574074074074E-11 D
1 Milliseconds0.001 sec1.6666666666667E-5 min2.7777777777778E-7 hr1.1574074074074E-8 D
1 Months2592000 sec43200 min720 hr30 D
1 Weeks604800 sec10080 min168 hr7 D
1 Years31536000 sec525600 min8760 hr365 D